I often wonder what my immediate future holds. Not for long, of course, but I do. I know that my old age will not be pleasant, as I have little savings for retirement, nor do I think SSI will be viable. Still, I don't worry, as my trust is in something greater than I. So, I don't lose sleep over it. The pages are already written. Despite the pain, I will go on. To do less would be an insult to Him who created me. Do I wish for an end? Yes, sometimes. It's His story though, not mine. I am but a player who must do his level best each day to honor the Author of Life. Anything less, would be an insult. Do I fail? EVERY DAY! Sometimes miserably. Yet, He picks me up, dusts me off, and sends me forth yet again. Even when I would that it were over. I am tired, yet, His grace is sufficient. THAT, is the Hope that lies within me. Sometimes, it's all I have. All any of us has.
"The fool says in his heart, there is no God!" There are many fools these days. There are many churches populated by them. They buy into the prosperity 'gospel', or the name it claim it 'gospel', or the everything is sunshine and lollipops 'gospel', or the god wants you to be happy all the time 'gospel, or the god is love and love only 'gospel'. In other words, there's a LOT of false preaching going on. It's mostly feel good pap that doesn't develop deep roots that can withstand adversity and hard times. It doesn't tell one the WHY of Jesus' sacrifice, or of the wrath of God! Jesus PROMISED us trials and hard times. He said the World will hate us, but to remember that it hated Him first. Sound like sunshine being blown up your backside? I didn't think so. No, these churches mustn't make the butts in the pews uncomfortable! Lord no! They might get offended and leave!
Or, they might realize how wretched we are, how sinful, and they just might be saved from the wrath to come! When challenged, they might be able to withstand, and give a reason for the hope that lies within, rather than fall away! They might stand! The Gospel of Jesus, the Word of God SHOULD make you uncomfortable! It should make you hang your head in shame at your wretchedness! It should make you question your life! Why?! Because it will then, and ONLY then, lift you up to heights you never imagined, and they'll be real! When attacked, you'll stand, because you stand on HIS word! You have a solid base. Deep roots. Testing will come. Every day. Challenges, from others, and yourself. With deep roots, you won't quit, nor will you recant. With deep roots, NOTHING will turn you away from the Author of Life. Nothing will shake your faith in Him, as well as the Son and the holy Spirit. You will love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. All day, every day.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
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