Every year it seems that the general public's driving skills deteriorate. Of course, that includes truckers, as well. There are so many gadgets that people can't seem to leave be while they're driving, that I am surprised there are not more fatalities. Whether texting, reading, or the old standby's of putting on make-up, etc, recklessness abounds. Their concern is for themselves, and their getting to their destination only, not what effect their poor driving has on others. This, of course, is human nature at it's baldest. The highway is human nature exposed. In a vehicle, for the most part, you are anonymous. When you feel that kind of freedom, your fallen nature can shine, should you CHOOSE to let it. You read that right. Should you CHOOSE. Each of us makes a choice in how we act.
When I'm driving my rig, my options are such that I have to be careful. My size and weight can cause considerable damage if I drive recklessly, with total disregard of those I share the road with. Think on this, gentle reader. In perfectly dry conditions, fully loaded, it takes my 75' long, 80,000lb rig approximately 330 ft to stop from about 65mph. Think on THAT before you cut me off. To my fellow truckers, I'd say Think on that before you tailgate someone else's family. The worse the road conditions, the longer the stopping distance. It's even longer if I'm lite or empty. Not enough people consider this anymore. The safest following distance for a semi is 7 seconds. A little more in rain or snow. Do I always maintain that? No. I need to remind myself, like anyone else, from time to time. Mostly, I do maintain it. I get quite pissed when another truck runs up my backside like a proctologist before pulling out to pass me. The guy that does that is either an asshole, or has a problem with depth perception. Either way, he should get off the road before he/she kills someone.
Yes, I said she. Ladies have proven they can be the equal of any man at aggressiveness and assholia. There are women drivers in this industry who are damn good at what they do. Better than some men I could name. Of course, there are the 'poor little me' types out there, always trying to use their being a woman to get an advantage. Others that cuss and swear like some of the men, then get upset when you call them on it. I once called a woman who was swearing up a storm on the cb a slut. Man, did she cuss a blue streak at me! When she took a breath, I calmly told her "If you want to be treated like a lady, then act and talk like one. You want to be treated like a cheap Lot Lizard, keep talking like the ignorant fools around you." Back then, most agreed with me. Not so much these days. These days, many feel entitled to talk and act anyway they want, and still be taken seriously. Hmmm. How about, NO! People judge you on how you carry yourself. It's not always accurate, but usually so. Someone can fake gentility only so long. There are still many people out there whose bs detector still works just fine.
The best rule to live by? Work on being a decent, trustworthy and honest person all the time. Yes, you DO have to work at it. Being an asshole comes easy to anyone. Being decent takes hard work. Especially these days.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
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